It’s the Wombats SA AGM time in spite of COVID-19 Restrictions!

Instead of our usual face-to-face meeting, our 2020 AGM will be held as a virtual, live, online Zoom Meeting where Members will be able to interact, ask questions and vote on matters presented.

Please scroll down for further information and links to download documents you may need for the AGM itself.

Please note, due to the current situation, we will not be able to host a speaker as we usually do.

We hope that this virtual meeting method will mean that even more of you, our Members, will be able to attend than might otherwise have been able to.

See you online!


  • Thursday, 21st May 2020
  • 5:00pm

Where: Virtual/Online Zoom Meeting

  • Click the link in your email (or follow the link in your letter)* to join the Zoom Meeting BEFORE 5:00pm on Thursday, 21st May 2020. (You will first join the meeting in a “waiting room” before the meeting can start.)
  • *If you did not receive an email/letter, but are a Member and would like to attend the AGM, please contact at least 24 hours before the meeting is due to start.
  • All you really need to do is click on the join link above, but some other suggestions follow.
  • You may wish to click this link if you would like some help on How to Join a Zoom Meeting. Once that new page opens, you may need to scroll right down on that page to find the links you are interested in.
  • It is useful if you go on to Zoom before the event begins and check out the volume on your computer and set the camera up so that you can centre your upper torso in the image.
  • Once you are in the meeting, please use the “Reactions” button to register the way you would like to vote on any of the matters that are put to the Members during the meeting.


Management Committee Nominations

Nominations for the ten positions of the Management Committee are open to all financial members. Once elected, members of the Management Committee will elect the Executive positions (President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer) at their first meeting following the Annual General Meeting. To be nominated, complete a Nomination Form (below) and received by the Secretary by the 14th of May 2020.

The final list of nominations for Management Committee for the 2020 AGM will be published here:

  • Adrian Jones
  • Gary Taylor
  • Glen Taylor
  • Karen Collins
  • Kevin Stead
  • Peter Clements
  • Peter Jones
  • Ray Wallis
  • Steve Protopapas
  • Susanne Jahnes


Document Downloads

Members are invited to download an Invitation and Agenda from the link below. We look forward to seeing you there, but if you cannot make it please download a Form of Proxy and return it so your vote counts. (All files here are in Adobe PDF format except where indicated.)


These PDF files are best viewed with the latest free Adobe PDF reader.