To help us gauge the health and behaviour of wombats, we use motion sensitive cameras to monitor a number of warrens across different areas and habitat types for activity. These cameras are triggered by animal motion and then record a fixed length period of video or take one or more still photographs.
The cameras have proved very useful sources of information on the overall health/condition of wombats, breeding cycles, burrow usage and social behaviour of the wombats. Some of the cameras are positioned to monitor usage of “wombat gates” that permit wombat traffic into a trial re-grassing area while excluding other grazing animals (rabbits, kangaroos and goats). Cameras are also placed across a variety of habitats around the reserve so we can gauge their in these areas.
The cameras have also been useful in recording the presence and frequency of feral pest animals (foxes, cats, rabbits and hares).
Some more of the wildlife captured by the cameras: