Our Constitution is based on the model constitution available from the Department of Consumer Affairs and is registered with the Government of South Australia’s Consumer and Business Services.
Most importantly, the Constitution allows all Full Wombats SA/Society members to be involved in the management of the affairs and activities of Wombats SA in pursuing our aims and objectives. All Full members are invited and encouraged to participate in the annual nominations and elections of the management committee. Members are also welcome and encouraged to have casual involvement with any of the various working groups or our regular Volunteer Working Bees.
Download the Constitution of Wombats SA / the Natural History Society of South Australia
NHSSA Constitution 2016-05-28 (PDF)
This Constitution was adopted at the Annual General Meeting of members on 28 May 2016 and has been registered with the Consumer and Business Services of South Australia.
If you would like to receive a printed copy of the Constitution, please send $3.00 to cover the cost of printing and posting a copy to you. For details of how to send this payment see the information on the Become a Member or Make a Donation pages. If you would like further information about how to do this, please send an email to info@wombatssa.org.au.
Related Documents
- If you are unable to attend the Annual General Meeting and would like to make your membership vote count, please complete a Form of Proxy and forward to the Secretary at least a week prior to that meeting:
Form of Proxy for 2022 AGM (Word DOCX / PDF) - Members who wish to nominate another member to the Management Committee, may download the AGM 2022 Nomination Form using one of the links below. Please complete the form and forward to the Secretary at least a week prior to the that meeting:
AGM 2022 Nomination Form (Word DOC / PDF)